Thursday, June 23, 2016

Explore our new Libguide: 
Finding and Using Digital Media (Images, Video, Audio)

Have you asked your students to create a digital work that will live on the web?  Perhaps they will be contributing to an online blog, publishing a short video on YouTube, or building a wiki page?  If so, you might consider sharing our new Libguide with them:

The Finding and Using Digital Media (Images, Video, Audio) guide will introduce students to the basic rules of copyright.  It explains the importance of identifying the copyright status of digital works before sharing or reproducing them in an online environment.  It helps students to understand and interpret the copyright license notices they may encounter during their search for sources, and to identify materials within the public domain, under copyright, or under a Creative Commons license.

In addition to this useful information, the guide also points students to several online resources and tools that allow users to search for digital images, audio, or video content that is clearly licensed for reuse and sharing.  Students can access and search these digital media repositories from the Libguide and more easily locate the sources they need for their online projects.

The Finding and Using Digital Media guide also provides tips for appropriately citing audiovisual sources online.

We hope you will share this new resource with your students, and encourage them to seek help from the library.  If you would like to have a librarian speak to your class on the topics of copyright or online research, please contact us.

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